Cooperative Coffees, Inc. is a green coffee importing cooperative committed to supporting and partnering with small-scale farmers around the world. These partnerships benefit the farmers and their exporting cooperatives, families, and communities. The organization is owned by 23 Fair Trade coffee roasters located in different cities across the United States and Canada. The cooperative was created to address the needs of Fair Trade roasters who found that the coffee market, by its nature, made Fair Trade difficult. By pooling purchasing power, Cooperative Coffees insures the best price on the product and facilitates direct connections between producers and roasters. In turn, each roaster contributes to educating and engaging their local communities about Fair Trade practices. Financing from PCG and its CDFI lending partner, Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, helped Cooperative Coffees address its significant need to fund inventory and accounts receivables due to the increase in the price of coffee and the increase in the volumes purchased to support the organization’s growth.