Our Model

“Prior to rehabilitation, the building was boarded up, with graffiti covered windows and an uncontrolled parking lot plagued by drug dealing and prostitution. The restoration not only reclaimed the building’s physical beauty, but also played a central role in inspiring further investment at this intersection and in ultimately transforming it from a corner characterized by crime and vacant store fronts to a central hub of Latino commerce in South Minneapolis. Partners helped make it happen. You were a believer, a partner, and a friend at every step whose investment helped leverage other financing and get a very difficult deal done.”

-Mike LaFave, VP & COO, Neighborhood Development Center

Our pioneering model is national participation lending – we partner with other Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to provide capital to underserved. We bring capital and specialized knowledge of our target sectors to our lending partnerships. Our lending partners contribute local market expertise, serve as the primary underwriter and borrower relationship manager, provide one-on-one technical assistance, and monitor borrowers. By working in partnership with other community development financial institutions, we help bring more capital to the communities that need it the most.

Two Party Participation

Most often, Partners partners with one local lending partner to provide financing for a community development project.

Syndication/Multi-Party Participation

We can also help our lending partners assemble financial packages for borrowers needing larger loan amounts through our network of capital providers.