Partners for the Common Good (Partners) and OFN have partnered to create the EJPF to support primarily smaller and medium sized CDFIs that have difficulty efficiently accessing sufficient capital for larger transactions. Using EJPF, CDFIs can provide flexible loans of up to $6 million for affordable housing and community facilities projects across the country.
Project loan amount: Up to $6 million Term: Up to 6 years Allowable uses: Acquisition, construction, and mini-permanent loans for affordable housing and community facilities supporting low- to moderate-income communities.
Fund owners: Partners and OFN are co-owners of the fund, with Partners serving as the contract underwriter, loan servicer, and fund manager. Investors include commercial banks, large CDFIs, and other financing institutions.
Apply Now!
If your CDFI is interested in applying for EJPF funding, please contact our Chief Lending Officer Rashida McGhie at or (202) 689-8935 x. 235 for more information.