“Childspace has given me the opportunity to continue my education and move up the teaching ladder. The loan from the Partners for the Common Good allowed the center to relocate and expand giving those teachers who have pursued higher education the ability to become leaders of their own classrooms." Clara Arrecis De Morales, Lead Teacher, The Guppies Room - Infants
The Mt. Airy Childspace Center provides high-quality, affordable daycare services in Philadelphia, PA, an underserved area with a significant low- and very low-income income population. PCG’s loan allowed Childspace to move from a poorly configured 7,000-square-foot building into a 14,000-square-foot space with a superior layout after rent doubled at their old facility. The larger building increased the number of classrooms from 4 to 12, reduced the number of children per classroom, and allowed for more individual attention. PCG’s loan preserved 22 jobs and created 8 new jobs, most of which employed women participating in the welfare-to-work program in which Childspace is active. Due to its above-average wages, benefits, and in house training opportunities, Childspace has had great success in retaining employees and significantly enhancing their economic status and prospects.