With support from Pro Mujer, Virginia Postime was able to begin her own ceramic buisness in Nicaragua. In addittion to loans, Pro Mujer also enhanced Virginia’s accounting, pricing, and marketing skills, which has helped increase her profits and decrease her costs.
Pro Mujer is an international microfinance and women’s development network. Pro Mujer’s mission is to provide Latin America’s poorest women with the means to build livelihoods for themselves and their families through microfinance, business training, and healthcare support. PCG supported the growth of Pro Mujer with a $500,000 loan intended to expand the number of entrepreneurs it served. Pro Mujer’s goal was to increase its outreach to thousands of new women entrepreneurs who have no other source of credit.
A loan from Pro Mujer enabled Virginia Postome of Nicaragua to start her own ceramic business. Pro Mujer has taught Virginia accounting, pricing, and marketing skills. Now her costs are less, and her profits are higher. “Before, my monthly profit was 1,500 córdobas,” she said. “Now it is more than 3,500 córdobas.” Virginia attributes her business success to the training and technical assistance she received from Pro Mujer. Pro Mujer delivers credit to about 10,500 Nicaraguan women, half of whom also receive business training.