Allied Housing

Allied Housing

Allied Housing and Abode Services work to end homelessness by assisting low-income, un-housed people, including those with special needs, to secure stable and supportive housing. Allied Housing is the housing development arm of Abode Services, a 501(c)(3) corporation that provides social and supportive services. In 2017, Community Vision and PCG partnered to provide a $3.3 million loan to Allied Housing to purchase a 24-unit building in the Fruitvale area of Oakland and secure it as permanent affordable (supportive) housing. A three-year term was given for the acquisition loan to enable the project sponsor time to secure public financing sources to rehabilitate the building. In 2020, PCG and Community Vision extended this loan to allow for completion of the project and permanent conversion of all acquisition and construction financing.

Abode's services targets individuals with mental and emotional disabilities or challenges, and to the extent possible, low-income veterans. With one unit reserved for the resident manager, 23 of the 24 building units will be restricted to tenants earning between 20 and 60% of area median income (AMI), with 12 units reserved for people that have experienced homelessness. The area is experiencing a 35% poverty rate, an 18.7% unemployment rate, and a percent of AMI of 33%. Additionally, there is strong local support for affordable housing, including recently approved initiatives in Alameda County and the City of Oakland.

PCG worked with Community Vision to provide $825,750 pari passu participation in a $3,303,000 acquisition loan to provide housing opportunities to individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.


Oakland , CA

PCG Loan Amount: 

$825 750

Total Loan Amount: 

$3 303 000