Our Stories

Partners closed a $747,630 participation in a $7,100,000 increase and extension of an existing $9,500,000 non-revolving bridge loan for Make the Road New York with CDFI partner BlueHub. This loan is Partners seventh with BlueHub.

PCG is excited to announce the continuation of its partnership with IFF in this $4,800,000 loan for the new Milwaukee Academy of Science (MAS) campus. MAS is a STEM-focused charter school with partnerships in the business community that serves a ninety-nine percent Black student population. All students are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch,... Read More

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) is a mission-focused group of affordable housing developers located in California’s East Bay that aims to develop, preserve, and manage affordable rental and owner-occupied homes, retail properties and community centers. It requested a $6,307,000 loan to support predevelopment funding that... Read More
Our NMTC Projects

$5 million NMTC allocation funds medical center for low-income Philadelphia seniors.
$6 million NMTC allocation helps build new small food business incubator in Chicago.

$7 million NMTC allocation helps construct Little Rock charter elementary and middle school for 1,245 students.